Total rain in Nuʻalolo Kai for 2025 as of 2025-02-06: 6.68 inches View all the Nuʻalolo Kai rain data
Rain gauge readings courtesy: Capt. Ted of Capt. Andy's Rafting Nāpali Day Expedition
Nā Pali Coast ʻOhana Presentation at Hanapepe Public Library - 2013-11-07
Produced by Jennifer & Serge Marcil - 4D Media
Sabra Kauka, President & Narrator
Alan Carpenter, Archaeologist
History and early facts about Nuʻalolo Kai
Victoria Wichman, Archaeologist
History and current preservation
Time line of recent reconstruction
Michael DeMotta
Assistant Director of Living Collections and Horticulture
Native Hawaiian plant restoration
$2,500 donation from the Rapozo Kamaʻāina Fund at the Hawai'i Community Foundation
May 11, 2011
Donation was received from the Rapozo Kamaʻaina Fund at the Hawai'i Community Foundation.
Wayne Rapozo, a Kauaʻi native and a partner in a London law firm,
visited with the ʻOhana last summer in Nuʻalolo Kai and was very impressed by the
work the ʻOhana is performing there.
Society for Hawaiian Archaeology - Hawaiʻi Cultural Stewardship Award
Friday, 15 October 2010
Hawaiʻi Cultural Stewardship Award
presented by SHA and Nākiʻi Ke Aho to Nā Pali Coast ʻOhana
The Hawaiʻi Cultural Stewardship Award celebrates the outstanding efforts
of individuals and organizations who work to advance the preservation and
perpetuation of Hawaiʻi's cultural resources through responsible
management, stewardship, and/or education efforts at the grassroots level.
With this award, the Society for Hawaiian Archaeology and
Nākiʻi Ke Aho acknowledge the profound importance
of engaging with such individuals and groups, and honoring their legacies
and achievements.
Nākiʻi Ke Aho is an organization of Native Hawaiians and
kamaʻāina who accept, honor, and appreciate their
kuleana of ensuring the safety and integrity of Hawaiʻi's
wahi kūpuna. Nākiʻi Ke Aho's vision is for Native
Hawaiians to care for and experience wahi kūpuna in ways that engage
and sustain Hawaiian practices, traditions, and moʻolelo.
Restoration of Nuʻalolo Kai historic sites,
the rehabilitation of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel,
the renovation of Bishop Museum's Hawaiian Hall and
the adaptive reuse of the Kakaʻako Fire Station
among 16 projects awarded preservation honors by
Historic Hawaii Foundation.
February 20, 2009 (Honolulu): The restoration of
Nuʻalolo Kai historic sites,
the rehabilitation of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel,
the renovation of Bishop Museums Hawaiian Hall and the
adaptive reuse of the Kakaʻako Fire Station are among the
projects that were recognized at Historic Hawaiʻi Foundations
2009 Preservation Honor Awards ceremony on March 24.
The awards have been presented annually since 1975 and are
Hawaiis highest recognition of preservation projects
that perpetuate, rehabilitate, restore or interpret the states
architectural, archaeological and/or cultural heritage.
The preservation projects being recognized this year
include examples of the breadth of Hawaiʻi's cultural
and architectural legacy, said Kiersten Faulkner,
executive director of Historic Hawaiʻi Foundation.
2009 Preservation Awards
For a specific project that preserved, rehabilitated, or restored
a historic building, object, site or district:
Nā Pali Coast ʻOhana and Hawaiʻi State Parks Division for
restoring Nuʻalolo Kai historic sites and cultural landscape
through collaborative efforts involving the cooperation of a
state agency, non-profit organization and Hawaiʻi
cultural practitioners (Nāpali Coast, Kauaʻi);
left to right:
Sabra Kauka-President,
Noweo Kai-Botanist,
Nica Pyron-Botanist,
Victoria Wichman-Archaeologist.
2006 Nā Pali Coast ʻOhana work trip.
“Very noticeable was the lack of plants you normally find on the
beaches. The only plants found were Scaevola taccada (naupaka kahakai) and
Vitex rotundifolia (pohinahina). There were only two places
that S. taccada were found, at the boat landing and high on the east cliff.
Missing were the normal beach plants Ipomoea pes-caprae (pohuehue) and
Jacquemonita ovalifolia (paʻuohiʻiaka).
Boerhavia glabrata (alena) also was not found.
Only Vitex rotundifolia (pohinahina) was doing well.”
National Geographic Magazine (video)
“ also involved in maintaining, preserving and bringing back
to life traditional sites where people used to live...”
From the movie Hawaiʻi: Preserving the Breath at featuring Nā Pali Coast ʻOhana president,
Sabra Kauka.
Saturday, June 5, 2004 is a day that will be long remembered by the
Nā Pali Coast ʻOhana. That's the day that Donna Kahakui visited
Nuʻalolo Kai to honor her Hawaiian heritage and celebrate the progress
of our volunteer work.
Solo canoe paddler Kahakui, a long distance competitor since 1998,
successfully completed a five-day, 200-mile voyage to promote awareness
of the critical need for protecting the ocean environment.
She stroked her one-person outrigger canoe from
Oʻahu to Nāwiliwili on Kauaʻi, escorted by fellow paddlers and
support vessels. After a brief stop at Kalihi Wai to commemorate
the life of Konohiki Johnny Akana, Donna and her expanded flotilla
continued up the east coast to Nāpali.
Greeted from afar by the resounding kani ka pu,
the helmet shell trumpet, Kahakui was welcomed ashore at Nuʻalolo Kai
with appropriate chants and traditional protocol.
She spent several hours touring the house sites and ceremonial structures,
paying respects at sacred places with Sabra Kauka,
Kaiʻopua Fyfe and Keao Nesmith. Before departing,
surrounded by well-wishers, Kahakui took a few moments to gather
her strength and focus her energies. View our slide show for a
pictorial review.
Kahakui and her ocean-going companions braved high winds and seas
navigating north and west approaching Niʻihau before making their
final landfall on Kauaʻi's south shore.
Kahakui heads Kai Makana, a nonprofit organization that encourages
people to preserve and protect the ocean and its resources.
For more information about Donna's work, write Kai Makana at
P.O. Box 22719, Honolulu, HI 96823, call (808)261-8939 or
More Budget Cuts to State Parks
What is the future budget of the State Parks to be under our new
Governor Linda Lingle? She has been quoted as saying she supports a
strong parks program, yet in this article that appeared in Kauaʻi's Garden
Island newspaper on Feb 5, 2003, proposed budget cuts will devastate an
already cut to the bone parks maintenance program.
Hawaiʻi Lawmakers Debate State's Responsibility on Dangerous Land
Hawaiʻi's hiking trails lead to the scenic beauty of the
islands' lush volcanic mountains, but some of those same trails also
are risk of rockfalls and landslides that could lead to injuries and deaths.
Michael W. Graves and Windy McElroy, Edited by Mike T. Carson and Michael W. Graves
For the past decade, researchers at the University of Hawaiʻi have examined the Bernice
Pauahi Bishop Museum's collection of artifacts excavated from the site of Nuʻalolo Kai
on the Nā Pali coast of Kauaʻi (Figure 1). This site complex, located adjacent to the
cliff on the north side of the valley, was first identified by Bennett (1931:148-150) during his
archaeological survey of Kauaʻi. The Bishop Museum organized an expedition to the site in
the late 1950s, mapping it in detail (Figure 2) and conducting extensive excavations (Soehren
and Kikuchi n.d.). The objective was to sample a series of potentially deep and well preserved
archaeological deposits in order to understand the settlement and subsequent development of
Hawaiian culture.
By all measures, Nuʻalolo Kai fits this description, with cultural deposits in
some features more than 2 m deep. Chronometric dating (see Kirch 1985:100) and the
presence of Euroamerican artifacts suggest the site was continuously occupied for as many as
five or six centuries from ca. AD 1200 to 1300 through the first half of the 19th century. An
incredible range of organic and inorganic objects has been preserved at the site. This article
describes the assemblage of fishhooks from Nuʻalolo Kai, with particular attention to: a)
developing a classification of head and shank morphology; b) reliably identifying the
attributes associated with the classification; and c) describing some of the patterns of variation
in head shank morphology that are evident at the site ...